Forums - Ultimate Anti - AHVB Thread!!! Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Ultimate Anti - AHVB Thread!!! ( Posted by Mech-Gouki on August 30th, 2001 06:38 AM: Ultimate Anti - AHVB Thread!!! Ok well im just starting this thread because i need some strategies against all this AHVB deal. First off im not putting off or telling you that it sux cuz it doesnt. its just that if you make one mistake you get punished instead of just watch my assist die everytime it pops out to some thats not decided to seek some advice and hear what you guys use to get around this AHBV! First off i think that the move isnt really some priority, i think that if you take care of cable all together you solve the i would want to start off by hearing some strategies to take care of cable rather quickly before he can do any damage. I think a good offense with one character is a good strat....cuz if you toss out an assist they get wiped out rather quickly. plz post and let me hear your ideas Posted by Silver Paladin on August 30th, 2001 07:01 AM: 1) Rush his ass down. 2) Rush his ass down some more. =) Seriously, that's the best way. I once took out my opponent's cable in 12 ticks of the timer by rushing him down, then GravTempest XX Hailstorm. Dead Cable. You just gotta maintain the pressure. You can't let him start hopping around and J. FP and Electrap to build meter. Pin him down and rape him. __________________ ~ Victurus te Saluto ~ ~ Salute the Victors ~ Posted by MarkyMark on August 30th, 2001 07:08 AM: Obviously, tactics for avoiding AHVB are completely relative to whichever character you're using (well, almost completely). If you want a pretty easy way to avoid it, use Spiral. Whenever you see AHVB, just teleport, and launch Cable into a Metamorphosis combo (if you've got three meters - ouch). It'll take between 65-80% damage. __________________ Fin. Mark Ryan Sallee @ "Now there's no one to isolate from anymore, and I realize that the world is as much mine as anyone else's, and I can influence it however I choose." - Kurt Harland, Information Society Posted by Mech-Gouki on August 30th, 2001 07:16 AM: Cool Cool... Rushdown sounds like an awsome strategie. I use Mags a lot so thats a good point. Yea thats the basic strat for cable...Jump w/Firece and electrap.. Dayum I used to think that blocking was the way but i guess not. Spiral sounds good. she has a lot of good things but im not that fimiliar with her. Ill try her out and try to learn her....she sounds deadly plz keep the strats coming!! we need to stop this AHVB!! Posted by Kenny on August 30th, 2001 07:19 AM: mags and doom anti air assist......... most cable players use captain cammando anti air..... the moment the game starts call out doom.....jump up and attack so his cable doesn't go anywhere....... now start doing triangle jumps as he blocks Dooms Rocks...... if he calls out cap assist.....dooms rocks will knock him out of it...... if he gets away afterwards........bait him by using u're assist.....and let him AHVB your assist......since he didn't have a chance to build meter.........rush him down (he can't AHVB now).....use dooms assist to counter his anti air.....etc Posted by SSF2T on August 30th, 2001 07:42 AM: All Cable players are stupid. Very few of them are smart at all. Many of them fall for the "Sucker's Trick". Rush up, and guard/block. Bait for the assist, then send your assist to counter attack, perferably an assist who attacks on summoning(like Cyclops, Psylocke, CapCom... most the AAA), while you sj. After a while the Cable player will... a) not send out his assist. b) send out his asssit, but do a j.VB/AHVB to protect his assist. Now this will eventually you'll come to the conclusion where he can't send out his assist, because... a) it's going to die/KO. b) he can't protect it. c) he's baiting for yours. Now without his assist, you can abuse your assist. Or "Rush the Shit Out of Him". Then again, you can snap him back, and kill the assist early or late in the game. Like what Kenny said... using Dr.Doom will help you more. Just in case they do have CapCom as their assist, and they are baiting for your assist. __________________ "FATAL FURY 2" [Terry Bogard] If you're really good, then you wouldn't need to pick on guys weaker than you are. Posted by MilkMan on August 30th, 2001 07:59 AM: Re: Ultimate Anti - AHVB Thread!!! quote: Originally posted by Mech-Gouki Ok well im just starting this thread because i need some strategies against all this AHVB deal. First off im not putting off or telling you that it sux cuz it doesnt. its just that if you make one mistake you get punished instead of just watch my assist die everytime it pops out to some thats not decided to seek some advice and hear what you guys use to get around this AHBV! First off i think that the move isnt really some priority, i think that if you take care of cable all together you solve the i would want to start off by hearing some strategies to take care of cable rather quickly before he can do any damage. I think a good offense with one character is a good strat....cuz if you toss out an assist they get wiped out rather quickly. plz post and let me hear your ideas Not really much priority?? AHVB has MASS priority, probably the highest priority above all else. __________________ There are three kinds of people out there, those who can count, and those who can't. Winners never quit; Quit while you are ahead; what do i do? Changes becomes the same. Posted by SSF2T on August 30th, 2001 08:21 AM: Re: Re: Ultimate Anti - AHVB Thread!!! quote: Originally posted by MilkMan Not really much priority?? AHVB has MASS priority, probably the highest priority above all else. Actually... it's the same as a normal attack. It just comes out fast... which makes it seem like it has a lot of priority. Also because it's a projectile attack. Projectiles can not be hit, so they can't be put in prioritized vs normal/special/hyper/super attacks. Unless they battle each other. Oh yeah... and another thing. He's invincibile for about a sec. __________________ "FATAL FURY 2" [Terry Bogard] If you're really good, then you wouldn't need to pick on guys weaker than you are. Posted by Mulliggan on August 30th, 2001 09:20 AM: u can also bait cable in the early rounds to waste a super (the one and only super to start with) on a assist then proceed to trap his ass , so u can put in damage without him getting meter. But u have to take advantage of the time he doesnt have meter if u jes let him sj fierce and grenade its worth less since he gonna gain his meter back anyway. OH ya the AHVB isnt a projectile, ryus fireball is a projectile , the ahvb is a beam __________________ C'mon mon ami Posted by LynX on August 30th, 2001 11:06 AM: heh Rushdown ... The only way to beat a really good Cable player ... quote: SSF2T All Cable players are stupid. Very few of them are smart at all. This is so wrong ... Cable players are as any other player, the big difference is that they are looking for 1 little opportunity the be able to AHVB. Cable should not be used against rushdown, that's why for example my team is Sent(Ground)/Cable(AAA)/IM(AAA), to avoid rushdown and let Sent build meter for Cable ... If I see a super-chance I alpha cancel in Cable, but normally I use safe switching .... In this way I gain 2 great advantages; I get to use Sent, wich is a very good allround character wich secondly builds pretty good meter for my Cable. My tips for beating my team (I'll take it as a example) is to use Storm(Projectile)/Doom(/BH/mags)(AAA)/Capcom(AAA) ... Storm to rush my Sent and Cable down, and if she fails take in Doom or mags (I think those 2 are best, i don't like BH) to rush my Cable down and just use Capcom to stop me from using Sents flymode .... (you can put BH there if you like ..) That would be my tactic .. Anyways, AHVB is a part of the game, and I enjoy it much, it's the attack that makes playing Cable sooooooo worth it. That's it for now __________________ Weakness is a disease ... I'm the cure ! Posted by iRoNMaN!|LiU| on August 30th, 2001 04:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by Silver Paladin 1) Rush his ass down. 2) Rush his ass down some more. =) Seriously, that's the best way. I once took out my opponent's cable in 12 ticks of the timer by rushing him down, then GravTempest XX Hailstorm. Dead Cable. You just gotta maintain the pressure. You can't let him start hopping around and J. FP and Electrap to build meter. Pin him down and rape him. of course. Just rush Cable's pussy ass and he cant do anything. __________________ "I'm Unstoppable!" Posted by n817azn on August 30th, 2001 04:30 PM: Yep, he is most definately rush down fodder. However, there can still be problems, especially if he has a good aaa. For instance i use mags to play against cable, and he works great, but he has sent. and cammy as assists. cammys aaa, and sents drones. I have to make sure to wait and time it right for my rush down. if you just continuously rush down you'll get screwed by cammy certainly, cuz when she comes out she follows your ass, so pick and choose rush down segments carefully, and sents drones are just annoying cuz even if you hit him his drones still come out and blast you anyways. As for dooms assist, it works alright but one thing to be noted is that if you call doom about the same time as capcoms, is that capcom will always win, cuz his aaa is much faster then dooms rocks, so this leaves problems two-fold imo. If you call out doom across the screen, then cable can just blast his ass, close up, and not at the right time then he gets anti'aired, so if you choose doom as an assist be very carefull. So, just time your assists carefully, and rush down in those periods of safe assisting, and you should have no problem with cable. But lets face it, everyone gets caught once in a while in a mistake which unfortunatly against cable = death. n8 __________________ " 3rd coast born, that means i'm Texas raised, livin lavish is a habit so i gotta stay paid.........." The late and great Fat Pat. ironman inf. from assists guide inf. to pc Posted by BRENT on August 30th, 2001 05:35 PM: Ah, the AHVB... Try using Rogue's throw assist, it goes right through the Viper Beam. It doesn't do much damage, but it stops the AHVB and it holds Cable still for a few seconds. That's all you need with Magneto. I caught this kid 5 times in a row with Rogue. He just kept trying his AHVB, funny shit. If you can get Colossus into his super armor, then you can just walk through the AHVB and grab Cable's ass. Then you can have your way with him like a prison bitch. IF you can get Colossus into his super armor, that is. IMO, Spiral is the ultimate anti-Cable. You can just teleport away from any AHVB. Her swords are also highly effective at keeping him pinned down, or even locked in block stun. I'll post more tips if I can think of them. Posted by BshidoHEAT on August 30th, 2001 06:08 PM: There are many ways to get to Cable, first off, is to RUSH HIM DOWN!!! He can't do anything against a good rush down, because he can't protect the space directly over his head. 2nd of all, TRAP him. I think most of the traps are great against him, all except for BH/Doom, but I think Doom/BH can get him. But of course, WOS will KILL Cable. Teleportation. If your charater has a teleport, they can easly avoid the AHVB, but its even better if they have an air teleport. (Like Bison or Dhalsim) Omega Red. Althought I haven't tried it, you might be able to stop the AHVB with his burrowing coil (D.HK) IF TIMED RIGHT!!! The burrowing coil is very open to the AHVB, and for you to do it, it will either have you either put the joystick towards Cable or straight towards the ground. If you do decide to try the burrowing coil, I suggest that you wait until the AHVB is ALMOST done (around the 30 or 35 mark) then you should do it, but I HAVEN'T TRIED IT so it's hazardous to Omega Red's health. __________________ I use Omega Red because I am good with him, not because he's underrated.. Bushido HEAT. Posted by Smiley on August 30th, 2001 08:16 PM: best answer's spiral... let's take the most 'cable' eam around, the cable/doom/capcom team. other teams have cable as the main damage dealer, but this team concentrates on cable and only cable. it starts cable on point for pete's sake. this team doesn't lose to mag very often. it's been proven, that as long as the cable player is patient, and knows what's he's doing, along with a good AAA, capcom in this case, can halt mag's rushdown. take the case of shadyk's mag at B5. we all know that shadyk's mag is one of the best, and is just as good, if not better, then justin's mag. his mag lost to the NW guy.... what's his name.. Ngyeun i think, or someting like that. (sorry if i got your name wrong) using cable/capcom. as stiltman and the other NW players said in the NW teaches MvC2 thread, the BEST way to beat cable is spiral. an intelligent cable player won't AHVB an assit unless they'll kill it. ahvbing an assist, but won't kill it, is pointless if the assist never hits point until all that red life becomes yellow again. hehe stupid newbies. __________________ When in doubt, Cheese 'em out! -Last words of Smiley, before becoming a grateful scrub Posted by MilkMan on August 30th, 2001 11:06 PM: Re: Re: Re: Ultimate Anti - AHVB Thread!!! quote: Originally posted by SSF2T Actually... it's the same as a normal attack. It just comes out fast... which makes it seem like it has a lot of priority. Also because it's a projectile attack. Projectiles can not be hit, so they can't be put in prioritized vs normal/special/hyper/super attacks. Unless they battle each other. Oh yeah... and another thing. He's invincibile for about a sec. His AHVB has the most priority out of all the other projectyle characters. Ex: iceman, doom aaa, sentinal drone super, THROUGH magneto's tempest and HIT magneto while cable is fine, because his beam cancels out the little pieces of metal and go rite through cable and his AHVB hits magneto...Plus, as you said, comes out at good speed..TOO good of a speed where if the other guy does something and you see it, the time it takes for you to react to it and see it, you can counter them with AHVB before they even pull it out..Cyclops, maybe not be able to out speed him when you hafta react to it...But all ya gotta do is just rush his ass down or cable them back __________________ There are three kinds of people out there, those who can count, and those who can't. Winners never quit; Quit while you are ahead; what do i do? Changes becomes the same. Posted by MilkMan on August 30th, 2001 11:08 PM: Re: Re: Re: Ultimate Anti - AHVB Thread!!! quote: Originally posted by SSF2T Actually... it's the same as a normal attack. It just comes out fast... which makes it seem like it has a lot of priority. Also because it's a projectile attack. Projectiles can not be hit, so they can't be put in prioritized vs normal/special/hyper/super attacks. Unless they battle each other. Oh yeah... and another thing. He's invincibile for about a sec. His AHVB has the most priority out of all the other projectyle characters. Ex: iceman, doom aaa, sentinal drone super, THROUGH magneto's tempest and HIT magneto while cable is fine, because his beam cancels out the little pieces of metal and go rite through cable and his AHVB hits magneto...Plus, as you said, comes out at good speed..TOO good of a speed where if the other guy does something and you see it, the time it takes for you to react to it and see it, you can counter them with AHVB before they even pull it out..Cyclops, maybe not be able to out speed him when you hafta react to it...But all ya gotta do is just rush his ass down or cable them back The only thing bad about the AHVB is that if someone knows about cable (like most people) they would know how to play against you (you if your cable) and they will own you or sit back til you waste your supers trying to hit them or just rush you down with out helps or use helps as bait and the cheese will get the mouse and the mouse will get the cat and the cat gets the spam while the spam gets the bacon and becomes all fat and turns into a jar of mayonnaise...cough __________________ There are three kinds of people out there, those who can count, and those who can't. Winners never quit; Quit while you are ahead; what do i do? Changes becomes the same. Posted by PikaPuff on September 1st, 2001 09:46 AM: IMO, one different way to snuff out an AHVB is to lower the arcade cabinet's damage... seriously. where i usually play, the damage is low. 3 ahvb's takes around half damage. big whoop. ^^; other combo's are just as devastating or even better... so cable's not used as much. then i vactaion in cali, an visit SHGL... o.0;;;; ahvb kills everything in sight. everyone has cable in their teams, batery, then kill everything. o.0;;;;;;;;. either that, or sentinel fly+hk to death... i ask around what the damage setting is.. i'm guessing 4-5... but they say "normal" WTF.... so i geuss where, i play, it's a lower damage. making cable's ahvb less effective. .... and servebot's gamma lunch rush all the more better *cough* but yeah... i think lowering damage makes the ahvb seem a lot less spectatcular and more balanced __________________ --- Roll(a/g)/Servebot(g)/T.Bonne(g): "3% Wins and going strong!" Jill/Sakura/T.Bonne: "Mags Rushdown? Zombie that shit... 'X' Trap? Hiyakeshita Sakura Tp that shit." Posted by SSF2T on September 1st, 2001 10:16 AM: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ultimate Anti - AHVB Thread!!! quote: Originally posted by MilkMan His AHVB has the most priority out of all the other projectyle characters. Ex: iceman, doom aaa, sentinal drone super, THROUGH magneto's tempest and HIT magneto while cable is fine, because his beam cancels out the little pieces of metal and go rite through cable and his AHVB hits magneto...Plus, as you said, comes out at good speed..TOO good of a speed where if the other guy does something and you see it, the time it takes for you to react to it and see it, you can counter them with AHVB before they even pull it out..Cyclops, maybe not be able to out speed him when you hafta react to it...But all ya gotta do is just rush his ass down or cable them back The only thing bad about the AHVB is that if someone knows about cable (like most people) they would know how to play against you (you if your cable) and they will own you or sit back til you waste your supers trying to hit them or just rush you down with out helps or use helps as bait and the cheese will get the mouse and the mouse will get the cat and the cat gets the spam while the spam gets the bacon and becomes all fat and turns into a jar of mayonnaise...cough AHVB beats all other projectiles, because it's a Hyper Projectile. Therefore it has to be another Hyper Projectile to be equal to it's priority, but then again, the HVB doesn't have any priority, because it's not a projectile in the first place. That's why if two Cable's do AHVB, they both will only blast each other. Either that or the one who did it first looses. __________________ "FATAL FURY 2" [Terry Bogard] If you're really good, then you wouldn't need to pick on guys weaker than you are. Posted by Ouroborus on September 3rd, 2001 04:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by BRENT Ah, the AHVB... Try using Rogue's throw assist, it goes right through the Viper Beam. It doesn't do much damage, but it stops the AHVB and it holds Cable still for a few seconds. That's all you need with Magneto. I caught this kid 5 times in a row with Rogue. He just kept trying his AHVB, funny shit. If you can get Colossus into his super armor, then you can just walk through the AHVB and grab Cable's ass. Then you can have your way with him like a prison bitch. IF you can get Colossus into his super armor, that is. IMO, Spiral is the ultimate anti-Cable. You can just teleport away from any AHVB. Her swords are also highly effective at keeping him pinned down, or even locked in block stun. I'll post more tips if I can think of them. Hey u live in Denver right? Well a friend of mines was looking for competition and maybe you can give him some in MvC2. His name on AIM is Sir0rion. Thats a "zero", not an "O" for 0rion. __________________ You must defeat Doom to stand a chance - Strider Hiryu Posted by batsu13 on September 3rd, 2001 05:13 AM: I use Captain America vs Cable. His Hyper charging star cuts right thru that AHVB. Plus he is invisable during that little flip move he does..... __________________ Tags, Monkeys, Ohh Yeah...... My site Posted by Kenny on September 3rd, 2001 06:25 AM: How about this........have your g/f accidently drop something and "bend" over to distract your opponent.........hahahahahaha......j/k Posted by Cornelius on September 3rd, 2001 09:50 PM: No, i'm not gonna read all the replies, so if I repeat anything, blow me. AHVB counter strats: Take away his meter. If he starts Cable, call out your assist unprotected very early to make him burn his only bar. You are free to use assists the rest of the match, as whenever Cable tries to punish your mistake/assist, he will only have one bar. If you don't and then you make a mistake mid-match with a 3+ meter Cable, you/your assist are either killed or severly maimed. FOR GODS SAKE PROTECT YOUR ASSISTS. If you call out a blocked/whiffed assist, SUPERJUMP for ALL you're worth, or peace out assist. Rushdown is not recommended because Cable's usually carry around a Cyclops or Capcom AAA in their back pocket. You cannot rushdown without assists because Cyke/Commando will beat you. If you use assists, and fuck up once/get push blocked/AAAd, peace out your assists. Teleports work great. Cable does not like teleporters. Bait Cable into AHVBing unAHVBale moves. Examples: Sammy's lightning, Evil Sak's shinkuu hadouken. Unless familiar with the lag on those moves, Cable will most likely try to AHVB them and you will have burned some of his meter. If you stay at a very close distance, Cable can't TK AHVB you. He will hop up and shoot right over your head. Note that you CAN punish a whiffed AHVB, just not a blocked one. The only way to AHVB safely is to jump back and do the command motion for it, which is much slower than the TK. If he only has 3 meters and you have Sentinel with full health, call out Sent unprotected. (works best with iceman so no chip). 3 AHVBs CANNOT kill Sent. It takes 4 meters. Duc used to sacrifice Sent to empty Cable's meter. Also, if he AHVBs and you block it, and you have Cammy on your team, Counter XX KBA will work. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:54 PM. Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.0.0 Release Candidate 3 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.